leadership coaching and consulting Toronto

Elevate your executive presence with ThriveSpace

Welcome to ThriveSpace

We are a team of dedicated professionals who are passionate about helping our clients achieve their full potential and thrive in their professional aspirations. At ThriveSpace, we understand that every client is unique, and that there is no one-size-fits-all approach. That is why we take great care in listening to our clients, and tailoring our boutique offerings to meet their specific needs. We offer a range of services, including one-on-one sessions, team/group sessions, curated events and development programs. Our services cover a wide range of topics, including leadership development, team building, communication skills, relationship enhancement strategies, and more.

Our commitment to excellence and continuous improvement ensures that we are always at the forefront of evidence-based practices, enabling us to provide the highest quality services to our clients.

Our clients choose us for services including career transitions, personal growth and development, and leadership challenges. Whatever your reason for seeking our support, we are here to help you achieve your goals and to thrive.

What sets us apart

Customized Approach

At ThriveSpace, we believe in the power of a customized approach. We understand that each Executive Leader has unique needs, goals, and challenges. That is why we take a tailored approach to our services, working closely with each leader to create personalized plans that address their specific requirements. Our customized approach ensures that you receive the support and guidance needed to thrive in your leadership journey.

Evidence-Based Expertise

We are fully committed to offering evidence-based services. We stay up-to-date with the latest research and best practices, integrating proven methodologies and techniques into our programs and services. Our team of experts bring a wealth of knowledge and experience, providing our clients with research-backed strategies to enhance their executive presence, client outcomes, and overall success.

Holistic Approach

At ThriveSpace, we take a holistic approach to our service offerings. We recognize that executive leadership and coaching is not solely based on skills and techniques; it encompasses the entire individual. Our programs focus not only on enhancing executive leadership competencies, but also on personal growth and self-awareness. We empower executive leaders and coaches to explore their strengths, values, and areas of growth, enabling them to bring their authentic selves and create lasting transformation for their clients and stakeholders.


  • ThriveSpace is an Executive Services consultancy that specializes in executive leadership coaching and psychology services. We offer evidence-based development programs that are tailored to the individual needs of our clients.In addition, we provide specialized training for established executive coaches.

  • Our programs and services are designed for Executive leaders and Executive Coaches who want to enhance their executive presence, coaching skills, manage challenges, and achieve better results with their clients. Our programs are suitable for both new and experienced leaders and coaches who are committed to continuous growth and making an impact.

  • ThriveSpace offers Individual and Team services for executives. Our individual sessions are conducted remotely, with one-on-one sessions lasting 60 minutes. For existing or curated teams, we provide customized, intimate events and programming including half and full day workshops, as well as multi-day retreats.

    For executive coaches who prefer a group setting, we offer a range of training and consultation opportunities including half and full-day training sessions.

  • ThriveSpace services are evidence-based and tailored to each executive’s unique goals and needs. Our team will work with you to identify your strengths and areas for development to create an individualized plan that will help you achieve your goals. We also foster a strong community of leaders who share knowledge, insights, and experiences, providing seasoned executives with opportunities to connect with others and expand their network.

  • Yes, we offer our individual services remotely through our secure client portal. This ensures private and confidential sessions can take place at a time and place that is convenient for you. You can also connect through the platform on a mobile device while traveling abroad, working from the office, or at home.

  • To get started, complete the inquiry form and schedule your complimentary consultation call with one of our team.

    During the consultation, we will discuss your unique needs and goals and ensure goodness of fit between your needs, and our offerings.

Ready to elevate your executive presence?

Connect with the ThriveSpace team today to get started.

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